Sunday, July 13, 2003

For the Love of GOD!

Can we get some Black people on Reality shows? Big Brother 4 has a cast of the whitest losers you've ever seen. Watch what happens, it gets boring and no one watches. I love the people who make the show, I wish they'd just put a bunch of Black people on. More than one male one female.

Once again, everyone is real young except for one older male father type. Every year, since Chicken John was a break out star in the first try at the show, they've put in one older guy.

In the first Survivor, there were older people and non-beautiful people. The show was a huge hit. So what do they do for the next season? That's right, hot chicks and studs.
But didn't the first hit season prove that we don't need superficial beauty and youth to get viewers, then why add that element?

It's TV, Jake. It's TV.

That's not an answer, but you using a famous line and fucking with it.

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